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Remember "918" we should strengthen ourselves

2024-09-21 09:33:54

Harbin Technical School

On September 18, 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army made a surprise attack, blew up the tracks of the South Manchurian Railway, shelled the Beida Battalion, and captured the city of Shenyang, creating the "September 18 Incident" that shocked the whole world。Harbin Technical SchoolThis is a scar engraved on the heart of the Chinese nation。

Pay tribute to the martyrs

In this disaster, many brave soldiers died for their country, let us pay tribute to them!Keep them in our hearts forever。

Anti-japanese hero - Zhang Xueliang

Zhang Xueliang was one of the important figures in the September 18 Incident. He was the son of Zhang Zuolin, a warlord in Northeast China, and one of the leaders of the Northeast anti-Japanese United Army。After the September 18 Incident, Zhang Xueliang became aware of the aggressive intention of Japanese imperialism against China and actively participated in China's struggle against Japanese aggression。In cooperation with the Communist Party of China, he formed the Northeast anti-Japanese United Army and participated in many anti-Japanese battles。His actions encouraged the fighting spirit of the Chinese army and people and made important contributions to China's cause of resistance against Japanese aggression。

Anti-japanese hero - Chen Geng

Chen Geng was another heroic figure in the September 18 Incident, and he was one of the important generals in China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression。After the 918 Incident, Chen Geng stood out against the aggression of Japanese imperialism and actively organized military forces against Japan。

In 1932, he founded the Northeast anti-Japanese Volunteer Army and led this army to fight resolutely against the Japanese army and defend the territory of northeast China。General Chen Geng's heroic deeds inspired many Chinese people, and he was honored as "the first general in the Northeast Anti-Japanese War".。

Harbin Technical School

Anti-japanese hero - Zhao Yiman

Zhao Yiman, whose original name was Li Kunqin, was studious and had protested against feudal customs since childhood。She escaped the bad habit of binding her feet, she also took the lead in cutting the long braid, and embarked on the road of pursuing revolutionary truth。In 1926, Zhao Yiman joined the Communist Party of China。After the September 18 Incident in 1931, the Communist Party of China sent a large number of outstanding cadres to Northeast China to launch the People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression。Zhao Yiman is one of them。Zhao Yiman withstood all kinds of challenges in the complex struggle against the enemy。In order to facilitate the work, she resolutely sent her children to the countryside, until the sacrifice, she has not seen her children。In 1935, Zhao Yiman was arrested in a snowy mountain forest。The enemy used up cruel means, but also could not make Zhao Yiman open his mouth。On August 2, 1936, the enemy took Zhao Yiman's young life with a bullet。

Don't forget 918

The September 18 incident was not only a pain for the Chinese nation, but also a prelude to the world anti-fascist War。Every year on September 18, various commemorative activities are held around the country to remember history, cherish the memory of the martyrs, and cherish peace。As young people in the new era, we shoulder the historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。We should take history as a mirror, remember the historical lessons of the September 18 incident, study hard, improve our own quality, and contribute our own strength to the development of the country。We must be firm in our ideals and convictions, have the courage to shoulder historical responsibilities, let our youth dream fly in the vivid practice of realizing the Chinese dream, and write a chapter of life in our unremitting struggle for the interests of the people。

Website of this article:http://21od.254336.com/news/608.html

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